Monday, November 9, 2009

Count Down

Ok, it is crunch time and count down to the holidays. If we get things done or at least get some ideas going we won't stress as much and WE will be able to get through the holidays with respect and intgrity of our minds.

Each day I will try and post an idea to help keep you going.
Today it is time to start thinking of ideas for teachers. Remeber the child needs to help, if nothing more they need to help cleanup after mom makes the gift. Humor there. I found a website that had ideas for helping a class. So all you Room Mothers ckeckit out. You will need to cut and paste it because I am not smart enough to make it so you can just click on it.

Remember when giving teacher gifts, the best ones are things that will benifit the entire class, pencils, glue, kleenex, clorox wipes, crayons or even just packet of paper. $3.00 cant do any better than that.


Bon said...

Oh I love this one! We love giving gifts. Teacher gifts especially. My favorite one this tiem of year is making a "Thanks a Latte'" card....w/ a gift certificate to starbucks, or somewhere there is hot chocolate!

Dell Miller, Owner said...

Love this idea!!