Thursday, November 19, 2009

Reality Check

ive been slcking ( so whats new ) no I have been a bit under the weather but I have blogged till I cant see trying to find the best information for you. Here it is from on of my favorite blogs- Here are some really good thoughts. Most of these are really good for the soul, but I have to disaggree and YES my bathrooms need trees. Lighted ones.

It's time for a REALITY CHECK!There are 37 more days til Christmas.
We've started early and we've worked hard to "get the holiday things done in time to enjoy the holidays."

Now that Thanksgiving is upon us and December is around the corner, we need to be brutal with the remaining items on our TO-DO's list. We need to cut any extra or NON-ESSENTIAL items so we CAN enjoy the upcoming weeks!

Today's Task: Be REAListic and SIMPLIFY EVERYTHING!
Home-made Items: While there is nothing quite as personal as "home-made" you need to be careful. A wise man once said, "just because something is good is not a sufficient reason for doing it" You need to spend your time on the most important things. Choose wisely and stash the rest of the ideas in your Christmas Binder for next year. Try to finish up your home-made items in the next couple of weeks, in order to leave December open to enjoy the season!

Gifts: The easiest way to simplify gift giving is to pair down your gift list -Do you have friends and family that would agree to stop exchanging gifts? If NOT exchanging gifts seems a little too harsh - try some of these ideas:

Draw names, and/or set limits on the amount to spend for gifts.

Give family gifts like games, dvd's, or movie tickets, instead of individual gifts.

Buy all the adults on your list the same tasteful, simple Christmas gift.

Meet your friends at a restaurant for a "white elephant" gift exchange!

Decorations: Don’t fall into the decoration trap and think you have to decorate every room in your house, (please – does your bathroom really have to be decorated for the holidays?) Simplify by choosing one main room to decorate like the family or living room!

Activities: Do like they do in the ER – Use the triage strategy! Which activities are most vital or adds the most to the Christmas spirit your striving for? Participate in THOSE and let the rest wait.

Baking: Don't try to make 15 different kinds of cookies like Martha. She may seem like super woman, but she has a whole staff to help her look good. Try ONE new recipe and concentrate more on your favorites! Try Hosting a treat exchange!

Be realistic about what you can accomplish while still keeping love in your hearts and homes. Make the choice to enjoy the season this year!

1 comment:

Bon said...

I love reading your challenges. It really does help! I am going to try hard to finish up the last things on my Christmas list. I am almost done! Thanks~